

Our company, Oasis Landscaping, is a professional landscaping and lawn care company that specializes in providing high-quality and sustainable landscaping solutions to both residential and commercial clients in Africa. Our mission is to create outdoor spaces that are not only beautiful and functional but also sustainable, eco-friendly, and affordable. We aim to leverage the growing demand for eco-friendly landscaping services in Africa, which is driven by a growing awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and the need for sustainable development.

Market Analysis:

The demand for landscaping services in Africa is rapidly growing, driven by a growing middle class, rising urbanization, and a greater awareness of the benefits of well-maintained outdoor spaces. According to industry reports, the African landscaping market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% from 2021 to 2026, with the residential segment expected to be the largest market.

Target Market:

Our target market includes homeowners, property developers, and commercial property owners in major cities across Africa. We will focus on targeting clients who are environmentally conscious and who value sustainable and eco-friendly landscaping solutions. We will also target clients who are looking for high-quality, professional services and who are willing to pay a premium for quality.


Our services will include:

  1. Landscape design and installation
  2. Lawn care and maintenance
  3. Irrigation system installation and maintenance
  4. Tree and shrub care
  5. Pest and weed control
  6. Outdoor lighting installation and maintenance
  7. Hardscaping and outdoor living spaces
  8. Sustainable landscaping solutions

Marketing Strategy:

Our marketing strategy will focus on building our brand as a leading provider of sustainable landscaping solutions in Africa. We will leverage social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing channels to reach our target audience. We will also attend trade shows and networking events to build relationships with potential clients and industry stakeholders.

Revenue Model:

Our revenue model will be based on a combination of project-based and recurring revenue. We will charge a one-time fee for landscape design and installation projects, while recurring revenue will come from ongoing lawn care and maintenance contracts. We will also generate revenue from the sale of landscaping products, such as mulch, fertilizer, and plants.


Our team will consist of experienced and certified landscapers, horticulturists, and irrigation specialists. We will also hire administrative staff to manage our day-to-day operations and handle customer service inquiries.

Financial Projections:

We project that our revenue will grow at a CAGR of 20% over the next five years, with net profit margins of 20%. Our initial startup costs will be approximately $200,000, which will include equipment, supplies, and marketing expenses. We anticipate reaching breakeven within the first 12 months of operation.


Oasis Landscaping is poised to capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly landscaping solutions in Africa. With a focus on high-quality services and a commitment to sustainability, we are confident that we can establish ourselves as a leading provider of landscaping services in the region.

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